Twitter Username Display Order Fix

Added by Tomalak@userstyles, Created: Feb 12, 2017, Updated: Mar 07, 2017
With the style applied


Fixing Twitter's user interface blunders one at a time.

This fix restores proper username order in your timeline: @username first, display name second. This way the one thing you need to remember about an account actually becomes visible again.

It also restores a bit of UI integrity, since the @username is what appears in the tweet text and it's what you use to mention people. Twitter's user auto-complete does an extremely poor job when you try to mention someone by their display name - and the display name can change whenever the user feels like it anyway, resulting in completely needless confusion.

Additionally it puts the Tweet time in a predictable place, i.e. into the top right corner.

More info
Ping me on Twitter (@_Tomalak) if you are using this and find a problem.

2017-03-07 Updated after Twitter made some HTML changes

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Tomalak@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Twitter Username Display Order Fix, to the extent allowed by law.

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