Plex Fixes

Added by JourneyOver, Created: Mar 10, 2017, Updated: Apr 13, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • Movie
  • Music
Port Number
Cast List Hover Effects Or Hide
Expand 'Extras' Display For Movies [Shows As Grid Instead Of Scroller] Or Hide
Hide Related Lists [i.e Related movies|shows|Genres|People]
Poster Hover Effects
Contract The Sidebar To Save Screen Space [Expands Back Out On Hovering Over The Sidebar]


-- Pre 3.0.0 Fixes --
- Bring back Plex Web's artwork to how it worked before the 3.0.0 release.
- Bring back the darker scheme like how it was before the 3.0.0 release.
- Will be looking into fixing other various things that may have/and will pop up since the 3.0.0 release of plex.

-- New Additions --
+ High-Contrast hover effect on media cards
+ Smooth scale transform animations
+ Box-Shadows on media cards
+ Pulsing status glyph
+ Larger Play buttons

Works on both http(s):// and IP/localhost ranges.

More info
Must have "show artwork" enabled in plex for artwork to work correctly.

V 0.0.11
~Background images are no longer cut at the top and bottom [at cost of slightly squishing the background picture just a tiny bit]
V 0.0.10
~move dashboard down just a smidgen
V 0.0.9
~REVERT "added !important to everything in style sheet as to fix a couple style issues that sometimes pop up." as it was due to stylus extension bug
V 0.0.8
~(Hate doing this but) added !important to everything in style sheet as to fix a couple style issues that sometimes pop up.
~Tidy CSS a little bit.
V 0.0.7
~Move a couple things around and make them options instead
~Add couple new options:
+Hide Cast List
+Hide Extras
+Hide Related
V 0.0.6
~Move a couple css selections around
~make the continue watching title containers a bit smaller + move a few things up to go inline with this
~Make the sidebar transitions a bit smoother
V 0.0.5
~Clean up a little bit more on CSS
~Hide the "Go Premium" button
~Add Two new options
+ Expand 'Extras' display for movies [shows as grid instead of scroller]
+ Minimize the sidebar to save screen space [Expands back out on hovering over the sidebar]
V 0.0.4
~Clean up a few CSS selections
~Add several new additions //Credits to @IanCeling --
+ High-Contrast hover effect on media cards
+ Smooth scale transform animations
+ Box-Shadows on media cards
+ Pulsing status glyph
+ Larger Play buttons
V 0.0.3
~Rename userstyle from "PLEX BACKGROUND ARTWORK FIX" to "Plex Fixes" as this is going to be turning into a more AIO to bring things back inline with how some stuff was before the release of plex web 3.0.0
~Fix the max width of Shows/Movies summaries so that the whole summary is shown.
V 0.0.2
~Bring back the dark background scheme for the discover page. (does not interfere with background artwork fix)
V 0.0.1
~Initial Release

Applies to:,, https?://.*:**[[PORT]]**/.*... More »

Related styles:

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