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Facebook: Better(?) site layout

Added by 86lme3@userstyles, Created: Feb 06, 2010, Updated: Jun 04, 2011
No screenshot


Well, a lot of people are posting styles for Facebook, so I decided to join in. This style removes the margins at the left and right sides of Facebook for more viewing space and fixes the sidebars and header in place. Some other tweaks have also been added in; the screenshot should give some idea of what to expect. Is this a better layout? Possibly. I'd appreciate any comments I can get so I can improve this style. So far, it's been tested under Firefox 3.6.*, Midori 0.2.2, and Opera 10.53 Internal. It doesn't work well on small screens, though.

More info
OUTDATED UPDATE: Well... there isn't any new update. Nor will there be any. Seems that Facebook made some minor changes to their layout, impairing this style's functionality. Normally, I'd carry out an overhaul to this one, but I've decided that it's about time to redo the codebase and make it simpler to manage. The new style in progress is (deprecated); though it's not quite as flashy yet, it should eventually be up to the same level that this one used to be at. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but I do hope the new style is suitable enough.

ANOTHER OUTDATED UPDATE: Okay, I've decided to merge the new style into this one, so updates are going to continue after all. Sorry if I'm being too fickle. Expect some rough edges, though, since most of the codebase was reworked. WARNING: UNTESTED ON BOTH MAC AND WINDOWS.


Firefox 3.6.3/Ubuntu 10.04
Midori 0.2.2/Ubuntu 10.04
Opera 10.53 Internal/Ubuntu 10.04

To-do/Resolved list:

* Codebase has been largely reworked for simplification, as well as for accommodating some changes in the Facebook site.
* Removed friends sidebar and page footer.
* Homepage feed header fixed in place.
* Fixed the problem in Opera! Yay!
* Fixed a slight issue with menu overlap on the profile page.
* Fixed an issue with the top of the search results page.
* Knocked out some of the Facebook ads.
* Fixed a much bigger issue with menu overlap on the profile page.
* Top margin on the note creation page fixed.
* Issue with the photos panel on the homepage just got a way overdue fix. The scrollbar positions on the News Feed and main content column were affected by these modifications; I think this is more likely to be helpful than problematic, but correct me if I'm wrong.
* Moved the status updater to fit more nicely on narrow screens, but not much else done.
* New screenshot reflecting changes to the userstyle!
* (NEW) Knocked out the spacing on the top of the News Feed. Screenshot still shows the space, though; this will be fixed in the near future.
* Some other features present in the old version might be missing or inconsistent, such as the placement of the status updater.
* Expect to see some bugs that I haven't noticed yet.


Applies to:
all URLs
CC0 1.0 Universal.
86lme3@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Facebook: Better(?) site layout, to the extent allowed by law.

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