This style was deleted by its author, mod_wastrel@userstyles

mod_wastrel@userstyles deleted this style because of "Jul2011 - Calendar redesigned - all styles need to be reworked [maybe]."

Try Zee complete list of my styles [merci] instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

GCal: gadget header gradient color (hsl)

Added by mod_wastrel@userstyles, Created: Jul 28, 2010, Updated: Jul 30, 2010
No screenshot


More info
This style for Google Calendar is similar to but with some different defaults:

>> centers gadget title text only on the left-hand side
>> text shadow is enabled (so white title text should be readable with just about any background color you pick)
>> uses HSL instead of RGB notation (so it should be easier to customize the color to your preference--see comments in the code)

You could also use a background color in addition to the gradient for more variety. This image shows a few colors which have been used along with the charcoal gradient (red, orange, yellow, lime, cyan, blue, purple, magenta):
(use for a "better" view)

Color chart/samples:

Or, you can use the screen capture below to pick a color and its HSL values from the chart. For example, if you want the reddest red you can get, then the values would be '0' (for a red hue), '100' (for saturation), and '50' (for luminance [aka lightness]). So, all together, red would be: hsl(0,100%,50%). (The "funny" thing about w3's table, though, is that it's rendered using RGB [hex] notation... weird. :D)

Applies to:,
CC0 1.0 Universal.
mod_wastrel@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to GCal: gadget header gradient color (hsl), to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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