every page glassed, without textshadows, req 19104

Added by Bubi@userstyles, Created: Aug 31, 2010, Updated: Sep 01, 2010
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
background (def. #000000)-black
color of hovered links (def. #FF4444)-red
Color of regular (unvisited) links (def. #48EE12)-green
Color of regular text (def. #BBBBBB) - white
Color of already visited links (def. #DDBB55)-yellow


requires http://freestyler.ws/style/103526/glass-every-single-part-of-firefox-3-5 , otherwise it makes all sites black with white text, green links and yellow visited links.
UPDATE: now with settings, you can change colors if you want.
If you use the glasser, it makes every page see-through. (now with a touch of red/blue/green - if wanted) I did this cause I didn't like the glass everything page from the same author cause of too much text shadow, and it simply didn't work. So I wanted something more simple, and came up with something quite simple.

Applies to:

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