VLC WebInterface

Added by Bubi@userstyles, Created: Jun 09, 2011, Updated: Jun 10, 2011
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for the built in http deamon at vlc (for unix, dunno if there is a httpd vor vlc-windows)
standard is white and pretty bright

More info
It depends what port you set the webinterface, and from where you administrate it.
If it's not one of the predefined ports or not localhost:
Choose the last option and instead of "install" choose "edit", and change the following part:

@-moz-document url-prefix("http://localhost:PORT") {

Example: we started the server at port 666:
@-moz-document url-prefix("http://localhost:666") {

Second example: we started the server at port 10000 and the server is at a server with the IP
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

Change that accordingly your own settings and needings

Applies to:

Related styles:

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