This style was deleted by its author, FLskydiver@userstyles

FLskydiver@userstyles deleted this style

Try Google Maps Max Updated! instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Google Maps Max

Added by FLskydiver@userstyles, Created: Oct 09, 2007, Updated: Oct 13, 2007
No screenshot


*** Update 4 March, 2010 *** This style doesn't really work at all as intended anymore. You might try the updated style, which still looks OK and makes the map bigger, but lots of things aren't being hidden anymore that used to be. I'd avoid this now unless you want to dig in and figure out a better way to make it work with the newest version of Google Maps.


Hi! This was my first shot at stealing some of the good ideas of others and teaching myself about CSS; to make a new style for Google Maps.
You might prefer my newer "Google Maps Max Updated!" Google Maps Max Updated! unless you hate the turn-by-turn directions sidebar and don't ever want to see it again!
I now use this (with the header changed to GMaps' alternate domain) when I want to use Google Maps as an Atlas to look up some part of the world.

What this one does:

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