This style was deleted by the site moderator

(admin) deleted this style because of "Facebook changes its style pretty often, I got no time to edit my style accordingly, sorry"

Try ahs instead of this deleted style.

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Facebook - Dark Flames v.3.2

Added by At-M('s Upload)@userstyles, Created: Jan 04, 2011, Updated: Jul 10, 2014
No screenshot
Define your Resolution (take the nearest)


Thanks to DaedalusIcarusHelios@userstyles for creating the Original Style.

**May require Firefox**
Because some things may only work with FF.

The Transparent Style of my Browser on the screenshots is achieved with the " userstyles's userstyles's گوگل پلاس فارسی ".
(Screenshots will follow, since the automatic screenshotfunction doesn't seem to work)

If you have a smaller or bigger Resolution, change the Resolution. If you have a 4:3 use the Wallpaper which comes nearest to your resolution in the Width. 16:9 will fit best.

More info
I've successfully graduated! Yay! :)
I took some time to fix the skin, there are still two things, I'm in conflict with.
The Loadinganimation inside the Newsfeed and the Backgrounds of posted link-previews, but that will take more time than I thought it will.

- Made the Chatwindows transparent
- much more stuff, too small things to list here.
Another Update, it still looks odd in some places, but I'm currently busy with my graduation and don't have so much time to maintain this, sorry for that, but thanks for sticking with my theme! I'm very glad that I reached this many downloads!

And yes, If the new facebookstyle comes, I'll try to adapt my style :) (in a seperate style though, so if someone uses the old style it won't be removed)


Finally Updated to the current design!
took me long enough to do it again.. i know right?

For Detailed Changelog, look here:

- Updated
- Updated
- Added Options!

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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