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Google Reader - just tree and chrome

Added by myf@userstyles, Created: Dec 18, 2007, Updated: Feb 15, 2010
No screenshot


Hides everything except the left subscriptions tree and the reading "chrome".

The tree remains collapsible (click the divider or press "u") -- its side-effect is re-rendering content, so it may be useful while toggling this userstyle on the fly [works nice in FF3].

Just backup of simple and quick scratch, which came up quite useful; probably there are some similar or even better versions out there ( google reader ), but it was easier for me to write this one instead of finding another.

I am quite loyal Bloglines old-school-user-interface-user who started messing with Google Reader (again, for at least tenth time), and cannot stand its bloated UI. (Try it on 800×600 ;] )(update: switched to gR 'definitely').

2008-09-15: + screen shots (600×400 px), code clean up
2009-11-02: updated for current gR, simplified, un-obsoleted
2010-02-15: fixed dropdowns menus ("Settings"…); shown "Add a subscription" stuff

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