This style was deleted by the site moderator

(admin) deleted this style because of "Youtube does change its style pretty often, this still works with minor letdowns but i might not update it anymore"

Try ahs instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Youtube

Youtube - Dark Flames v.3.2.2

Added by At-M('s Upload)@userstyles, Created: Apr 03, 2011, Updated: Jul 11, 2014
No screenshot
Define your Resolution (take the nearest)


Thanks to Booze@userstyles for creating the Original Style.

The Transparent Style of my Browser on the screenshots is achieved with the " userstyles's userstyles's گوگل پلاس فارسی ".

If you have a smaller or bigger Resolution, change the Resolution. If you have a 4:3 use the Wallpaper which comes nearest to your resolution in the Width. 16:9 will fit best.

Now supporting a colorchanged Player, (inspired by which will only work with
Please enable it beforehand
Keep in mind that due to youtube, some videos might not use this, eventhough it is enabled.

More info
v 3.2.2
I can't believe I'm still missing things which weren't changed.. Report it to me if you find some other unmodded spots
- Fixed a major amount of minor spots
v 3.2.1
- Colorchanged the Player
- Updated the Screenshots

v 3.2
- Fixed the inconsistencies
- Removed 1px lines which where in other colors
- Fixed most linkcolors
- minor stuff

v 3.1
Updated because of the newly implemented Google+ Comments

New Version Naming
Updated to recent style
Added Screenshots

- Fixed missing Background
- Fixed some things on the Mainpage

Applies to:

Related styles:

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