This style was deleted by its author, Sollace@userstyles

Sollace@userstyles deleted this style

Try Generic Ad Blocker instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Make Web page background glassed - Firefox

Added by Sollace@userstyles, Created: Apr 18, 2011, Updated: Apr 18, 2011
No screenshot


Note: This is not a style and will only work in FF3 on win7/Vista with glass enabled

You can use this fix to use any style that puts glass in the webbpage.
You will need to install New Glasser by SzymekPL

You can get it at the Add-on producers site:

or on the Mozilla website:

More info
This is not a style. Copy the code into notepad and save it as dwm-overlay.JS
Then take the file and put it in the following location. It should replace the file already there.

Vista/7: C:\Users\(your_userfolder)\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(your_profile_folder)\extensions\\chrome\content

To make the glass work in a page glasser has been made to include the pages area in its glass.

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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