Minecraftforum Enhancements 2

Added by Sollace@userstyles, Created: Jul 02, 2014, Updated: Feb 19, 2016


Fixes some of the eyes sores of the new Minecraftforum layout. Over time some more improvements may be added.

Currently changes:
- Logo and search box are a bit nicer
- Curse ads are removed from the bottom of the page
- Removed banners between posts to save space
- Makes the navigation bar slightly less ugly.
- Nicer curse navbar
- Nicer horizontal-rules
- More fitting tooltips
...More to come.

More info
Version History:

Update 2.11
- Updated for recent changes to the site
- Fancied notifications a little
- Made the servers link fit in with the other menu items
Update 2.10.1
- Improved ad blocking
Update 2.10
- Fixed some styles on the paging controls
- Cleaned up thread polls
- Added a new style for the search bar
- Fixed article spacing on the front page (again)
- Added styling for the older/newer posts buttons and made them less confusing
Update 2.9.1
- Improved the quality of the site backgrounds
Update 2.9
- Fixed styling on the new mobile site
- Added transitions to drop-down menus
Update 2.8.6
- Fixed post styling
- Fixed social media links
- Removed horrible green links from the notifications page
Update 2.8.5
- Updated for recent changes to the netbar
Update 2.8.4
- Fixed border colour on spoiler buttons
Update 2.8.3
- Fixed styling on small screens
- Some slight changes to the curse bar
- Avatars in PMs are larger
Update 2.8.2
- Added button styling for the cancel button when editing a post
Update 2.8.1
- Updated for new site version.
Update 2.7.2
- Fixed some styling for PMs
Update 2.7.1
- Fixed editing and reverting for PMs
- Redid top breadcrumb fix (should now work everywhere)
- Fixed some certain not being applied in some cases
Update 2.7
- Added support for the servers and chat domains of minecraftforum
- Improved site footer positioning
- Improved dialogue windows
- Cleaned up post appearances
- Fixed the goto link on quotes
- Fixed some bugs with the site
- Improved styling for spoilers
- Removed weird text selection colour (should now be closer to the default)
Update 2.6.1
- Redesigned PMs to look more like a normal thread
- Some minor improvements to existing changeds
- Recoloured and centered paging controls
- Removed green button styles where they are not needed
- Cleaned up the post editor
- Hide like button on your own posts
- Hide like count on posts with 0 likes
- Minor redesign for the like counter
- Recoloured spoiler buttons
- Adjusted spacing on user option drop downs
- Removed sizing oddity when using the staff options dropdown on posts
- Tweaked spacing on dropdowns
- Fixed positioning of post location info on news posts
Update 2.5
- Made the notifications page more readable
Update 2.4.2
- Fixed site background
Update 2.4.1
- Fixed paging controls being covered by parts of the page
Update 2.4
- Cleaned up styling a little
- Buttons are the default colour
- Removed background ad blocking (seems not to be needed any more)
- The paging controls now float in the top left corner for easy access
- Made the curse bar darker
Update 2.3.1
- Fixed can't use top bar
Update 2.3.1
- Removed the background ads
Update 2.2.2
- Changed tooltips
Update 2.2.1
- Fixed styling on spoiler buttons
- Made horizontal-rules less ugly
Update 2.2
- Improved post layout
- Made the curse navbar static
- Hide like count on posts with 0 likes
- Buttons are less green
- Site background is now fixed
Update 2.1
- Fixed styling on nested comments
Release 2.0
- Initial Release

Applies to:
minecraftforum.net, www.minecraftforum.net

Related styles:

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