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Another Dark Google Reader Style

Added by dvdmon@userstyles, Created: Feb 07, 2008, Updated: Feb 11, 2008
No screenshot


I took the style created by oltra & Ka Yue, and tweaked it a bit more to my liking. Specifically:

02/09/2008: for the list view, I made the font colors a bit less bright, made the titles bold, and increased the line-spacing
02/09/2008: for each entry I changed the font size back to normal and made it so that images show up.

I think that's it. It's a work in progress which I hope to add to by stealing other bits and pieces from some of the other Dark Google Reader scripts out there - watch out script writiers, no one is safe!


What follows is a change log of what has been updated along with the date:

02/11/2008: I've substituted images so far for: the star - both the highlighted and non-lighted versions - to make them look better than the default, which were designed for a white background.
02/11/2008: Added some more descriptive comments in the script - I'm hoping to add more to help newbies out with editing various parts of this style
02/11/2008: Changed the

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