tumblr eXtras - Blue (Generic)

Added by Ohne Mitleid@userstyles, Created: Jun 22, 2011, Updated: Jul 07, 2011
  • With the style applied
  • Tabs/Buttons - B4 & After
  • Text Screen - B4 & After
  • Loading more - B4 & After


This style was designed mainly with the generic/blue tumblr theme in mind. A pink/floral theme and a grey theme are also available.
The purpose of this style is to provide little extras that may have been overlooked in other styles. The extras include:
- replacing the big green 'Following # people' with a slimmer, colorized version to match the theme
- styling the Radar to remove the blue background frame and rounding the corners of the photo/video
- turning the 'Add / Remove' category list into a button selection system for legibility and ease of tracking. Also, it bids farewell to that hideous green selection bar!
- providing rounded corners for just about everything that could be found
And lots of other little things you'll notice along the way.
If you're doing the blue, you might want to check out http://freestyler.ws/style/43209/tumblr-generic-theme-template

More info
This isn't how I would ordinarily code something. In this case however, I have split things as much as possible into different categories to make it easier to modify, if you choose. The basic sections are:
Colors, Add/Remove category effects, Font sizing, Font shadow, Sizing or Position, Rounding and the Radar photo. If something was split into it's own category or it appears in the code to be isolated or out of place, there is a reason. Some items require special handling and need to be treated as individual entities. Other items have been separated to be able to individually tailor them to your tastes rather than changing all of tumblr.

Colors have been written in rgba format so the opacity of the object's color can be altered without altering the opacity of the entire container. There are 3 basic colors which have been commented as DARKCOL, MEDMCOL and LITECOL. There is also a separate color just for the highlight on the category style buttons. Have fun!

Applies to:
http://www.tumblr.com/, https://www.tumblr.com/

Related styles:

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