Gallery-Dump - White Style Background (Calibri)

Added by dotter@userstyles, Created: Apr 23, 2008, Updated: Jun 07, 2008
With the style applied


White style for This style makes readability very easy with vista's Calibri font, as well as the white styling.

- Calibri font (Supports Windows XP and Windows 9x by including "Arial" as
the secondary Font-Family if Calibri is not found.)
- White background
- White tables
- Orange heading text
- Bright / Light overall look, much like a newspaper or magazine
- Slight cleanup by removing the count "Over ##### pictures" in the page Header

Style's Idea:
-This style was suggested to me. Please continue suggesting websites (such as this gallery dump) for me to style, I especially enjoy styling a dark website to white.

- Screenshot images have been filtered, and I took the Average color from the photos.

+ Added Bold, Underline, and Orange color to paging buttons (next page, previous page, and see more galleries from this artist) - the click "here" links
+ Added Increased Font Size to the Dates and other

Applies to:

Related styles:

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