Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global)

Added by dotter@userstyles, Created: Jul 13, 2008, Updated: Jul 14, 2008
With the style applied


Hyperlink Visited Styling for ALL WebPages. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for pages without their own form of displaying the pages you have already visited.

* Based upon Roblesolido@userstyles's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect.

- Purple href hover highlight text (customizable)
- Will only show up on pages that don't already have a visited color. In the case of an purple background, or custom sites. If you want this style to show up no matter what, add !important between the last 0 and the : in the code.

Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3

Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Hover Color (Global)

- Initial Release

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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