This style was deleted by its author, grom@userstyles

grom@userstyles deleted this style because of "Website redesigned on 2015-03-10. I neither have the time required to update this style, nor am I invested in the portableapps project anymore."

Try - Clean instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Portableapps - Choose your color

Added by grom@userstyles, Created: Feb 06, 2012, Updated: Nov 19, 2013
No screenshot
Color of website
Background color of new comments
Color of thread markers (best leaving red)


by grom@userstyles.

Turns the website blue, green, purple... or any other color you have chosen. If unsure, just click install for a blue theme.

Suggested color sets:

#105289; #DDEEFF; #FF0000 → blue.
#006600; #EEFFDD; #FF0000 → green.
#773377; #EEEEFF; #FF33FF → purple.

Use with for a cleaner look.

More info
No auto-updates due to technical restrictions. Please check this page periodically for updates.

Update (2013-11-20): due to increasingly annoying background of site-wide news which ironically makes them harder to read, they now have the same color as you chose for new comments.

Other color sets:

#884411; #FFEEDD; #FF0000 → brown.
#DD6611; #FFEEDD; #FF0000 → orange.
#667700; #EEFFCC; #FF0000 → green (lime).
#896900; #FFEEDD; #FF0000 → lime/golden.
#307189; #DDEEFF; #FF0000 → blue (other).
#780000; #FFEEEE; #FF0000 → red (for fun!).

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
grom@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to - Choose your color, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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