- White Style Background (Calibri)

Added by dotter@userstyles, Created: May 11, 2008, Updated: May 15, 2008
With the style applied


White style for the very dark MetalStorm website. I use metalstorm to keep up to date with all the new album releases, and their release-dates. This style makes readability very easy with vista's Calibri font, as well as the wonderful white, and black styling.

- Calibri font, although supports XP and Windows 9x with the secondary font being Arial. (if Calibri is not installed, the site will display in Ariel)
- White background for each page, table data, and paragraph
- Bold table headings
- Extra-large band name headings on specific band's page
- WebSafe Orange as Hovered Hyperlink color
- Light overall look

Future Updates:
- I plan to add the Metal Storm logo into the Style. I currently need to add a image-insert script into the CSS in order to achieve this. Should be out soon in release
- Plan to add more CSS to make ALL the track listings on Upcoming Albums to white/black style - instead of gray text (some are white, some are gray)


Applies to:

Related styles:

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