AOL login screen

Added by _Dinesh_@userstyles, Created: May 05, 2012, Updated: May 19, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • Example of picture background
Add a background? (IF NO: go to install)


I meant to upload this before; it's a simpler login screen for AOL, if anyone still uses it.

This was created in a few seconds, because AOL's code is nice and friendly. This has only been tested by me logging in and out on my Firefox, so if there are problems, feel free to fix them. (Apologies for the lack of notes and descriptions in the code.) I haven't tested this for older versions of Firefox, but I expect it will still work. I haven't tested this on Chrome, but it probably will still work; I have no particular intention of creating anything that encourages or aids the use of Google products. This appears to work for all sizes of window.

This doesn't remove adverts or anything else, except on the login screen; it only edits the login screen.<a href=">Check out my other styles, share this with others if you like it, and enjoy!

More info
Update, 19/5/12
- Added options for a background (because white looks boring). I took the code from Better Twitter V4 — with Options!.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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