Youtube: full_interest modified skin from mikedl

Added by full_interest@userstyles, Created: Jun 29, 2012, Updated: Jun 23, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Choose the background picture:
Fixed picture?
Horizontal position of the image?
Vertical position of the image?
Background size
Hide social guide on the appbar guide menu (news feed) to gain space
Hide history guide on the appbar guide menu (news feed) to gain space
Hide trending from the app bar
Display only playlist link in the appbar menu
Remove player background
Hide cookie alert?
Shaddow on text
Color of the shaddow on text
Primary text color
Secondary text color
Played progress bar color
Loaded progress bar color


IMPORTANT (For the Zatsune picture) : I don't made the picture, I made the edit, from Miku Hatsune, to Zatsune Miku

Thanks to say I only made the edit if you try to re-use.

Original layout:
\ A You Tube Style
\ Author: mikedl

More info
  • 1.6.14 (23/06/16)
    • Fix: Top part of videos
  • 1.6.13 (11/06/16)
    • Fix: Top part in subscribe unclickable.
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 47.0) 64bit
  • 1.6.12 (10/12/15)
    • +: New setting to hide trending from the app bar.
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 42.0) 64bit on Xubuntu 15.10
  • 1.6.11 (16/09/15)
    • Fix: Playlist setting no longer hiding what it is supposed to (for me at least). Doesn't hide the "more" button because for now, there's no playlist class or id
  • 1.6.10 (04/09/15)
    • +: Setting to remove player background (only work for html5 player, and tested with YoutubeCenter)
  • 1.6.9 (31/08/15)
    • Fix: Youtube Center bug on thumbnails
  • 1.6.8 (15/08/15)
    • Fix: Hide cookie alert setting not hiding cookie alert anymore
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 40.0) 64bit on Linux Mint Xfce 17.2
  • 1.6.7 (12/10/14)
    • Fix: Like button
  • 1.6.6 (30/07/14)
    • +: Secondary action buttons, video pages.
  • 1.6.5 (29/07/14)
    • +: Title of videos of top part of youtube channels.
  • 1.6.4 (28/07/14)
    • +: Comment support.
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 31.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (14.04LTS)
  • 1.6.3 (18/06/14)
    • Fix: News feed background.
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 30.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (14.04LTS)
  • 1.6.2 (10/05/14)
    • Fix: The google+ notification wasn't shown.
  • 1.6.1 (06/05/14)
    • Fix: Setting for shadow of text and its color
      • Links was already turn black when hover, color changed to DimGray so the default shadow can stay black.
      • Added more white (secondary color) for readability
  • 1.6.0 (05/05/14)
    • +: Setting for shadow of text and its color.
  • 1.5.2 (26/04/14)
    • Fix: Background around the videos in the newsfeed.
  • 1.5.1 (24/04/14)
    • Fix: Newsfeed video title background.
  • 1.5.0 (17/04/14)
    • +: Setting to hide the cookie alert.
  • 1.4.5 (15/04/14)
    • +: Top bar space optimization (tested for videos).
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 28.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (14.04lts)
  • 1.4.4 (10/04/14)
    • Fix: Comment iframe background fix.
  • 1.4.3 (01/04/14)
    • +: Background color of the topbar, the google+ notification wasn't readable.
  • 1.4.2 (13/03/14)
    • Fix: Channel headers
  • 1.4.1 (09/03/14)
    • Fix: Stylish settings fix
    • Fix: URL of comments widget (Google+ integration)
  • 1.4.0 (06/03/14)
    • +: Settings to gain space in the appbar menu, for resolutions like mine that not allow to see much of the subscriptions in it (not overflow part). These setting aren't activated by default for now, just go down there and choose "Yes" for those you want.
    • i: Tested with Firefox (currently 27.0.1) 64bit on Xubuntu
  • 1.3.3 (24/02/14)
    • Fix: Top menu of youtube channels (#masthead-appbar).
  • 1.3.2 (20/02/14)
    • Fix: "Like" bar wasn't appearing (.video-extras-sparkbars).
    • +: "Like" bar in green / red style.
  • 1.3.1 (16/12/13)
    • +: Custom progress bar color (HTML5 only), applied a radius on it.
  • 1.3.0 (04/12/13)
    • +: Custom progress bar color (HTML5 only).
  • 1.2.19 (03/12/13)
    • Fix: Youtube feed.
    • Fix: Youtube Guide part.
  • 1.2.18 (11/11/13)
    • Fix: Google+ comment support.
  • 1.2.17 (06/10/13)
    • Fix: Dropbox background picture on https, now just http.
  • 1.2.16 (06/10/13)
    • +: Oct2013 YouTube changes (not sure of complete support) - Guide.
  • 1.2.15 (05/10/13)
    • +: Oct2013 YouTube changes (not sure of complete support).
    • +: Some advert hiding.
  • 1.2.14 (26/08/13)
    • Fix: Small fix to try to not show background in iframe parts as adverts, and some html5 objects for exemple.
  • 1.2.13 (19/07/13)
    • Fix: Background not showing on some pages.
  • 1.2.12 (4/06/13)
    • Fix: Little fix for the new cover in YouTube channels
    • i: Update from original layout
  • 1.2.11 (3/06/13)
    • Fix: Stop hiding iframes
  • 1.2.10 (24/03/13)
    • Fix: Additional fixes again, to support (the classes used have been added my myself, I don't know if the author will add them)
    • Fix: Background color on the HTML5 video player when the video don't need all the space
  • 1.2.10 (24/03/13)
  • 1.2.9 (3/02/13)
    • Fix: Additional fixes again.
  • 1.2.8 (2/02/13)
    • Fix: Additional fixes again.
  • 1.2.7 (1/02/13)
    • Fix: Additional fixes.
  • 1.2.6 (31/01/13)
  • 1.2.5 (28/01/13)
    • +: Update from original layout
  • 1.2.4 (16/01/13)
    • +: Update from original layout
  • 1.2.3 (5/01/13)
    • +: Added settings for background size.
  • 1.2.2 (3/01/13)
    • +: Update from original layout
  • 1.2.1 (23/12/12)
    • +: Update from original layout
  • 1.2.0 (10/12/12)
  • 1.1.5 (9/12/12)
    • +: Zatsune Miku background (host of the picture: Dropbox)
    • Fix: Transparency of new newsfeed.
  • 1.1.5 (09/11/12)
    • Fix: Support of the new Youtube I saw some times.
  • 1.1.4 (06/11/12)
    • +: 2 background pictures of Fujiwara No Mokou.
  • 1.1.3 (30/07/12)
  • 1.1.2 (13/07/12)
    • +: Claymore background (host of the pic: DropBox).
    • +: Option to fix the background picture, and option to choose the position.
  • 1.1.1 (08/07/12):
    • +: Some adverts hidden
  • 1.1.0 (06/07/12):
    • +: Support of the new news-feed
    • +: Support of the user pages
    • +: Shadow on the text instead of highlights on some places
    • +: Settings for global text colour and global shadow
    • -: Highlights (and so, the highlight setting)
  • 1.0.1 (30/06/12):
    • Fix: Background News Feed
    • +: Setting to enable or not highlights
    • +: Hide some adverts
  • 1.0 (30/06/12):

Applies to:,,, More »

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