Tweeter Transparency

Added by full_interest@userstyles, Created: Jun 09, 2013, Updated: Dec 22, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Choose the background picture:
Text color
Fixed picture?
Horizontal position of the image?
Vertical position of the image?
Background size
Modify newsfeed width
Hide Right Dashboard?
Transparency level - Top bar
Transparency level - Profile part (Twitter newsfeed page)
Transparency level - Stream Header
Transparency level - Stream


Make tweeter more transparent, to see more the user background.

Due to some content policy changes, external pictures can not be loaded

Boxes setting for transparency: Do not use comma in it, prefer 0.5 way to make it sure to work, if you put something else in in these text boxes, your choice, so don't complain if it doesn't work

More info
  • 1.3.6 (22/12/16):
    • Fix: Profile timeline width
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 50.1.0) 64bit
  • 1.3.5 (23/09/16):
    • Fix: Background position setting
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 49.0) 64bit
  • 1.3.4 (18/08/15):
    • Fix: RegExp used to not display the background to some iframes (not tested on Chrome-like browsers) and display to all other pages
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 40.0) 64bit on Linux Mint Xfce (17.2)
  • 1.3.3 (21/07/15):
    • Fix: Background in home page (picture is the one defined in this userstyle, but you can try to use the url of your old Twitter background picture, if it still work)
    • +: New setting for text color
    • Fix: Background picture have to be in https (not http) for security reasons
    • Fix: RegExp used to not display the background to some iframes (not tested on Chrome-like browsers)
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 39.0) 64bit on Linux Mint Xfce (17.2)
  • 1.3.2 (24/06/15):
    • +: Timeline tweet box, .
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 38.0) 64bit on Linux Mint Xfce (17.1)
  • 1.3.1 (05/09/14):
    • Fix: Transparencies levels.
    • +: Twitter stream header borders removed.
    • +: Setting to let user define their own transparency level. Do not use comma in it, prefer 0.5 way to make it sure to work, if you put something else in in these text boxes, your choice, so don't complain if it doesn't work
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 31.0) 64bit on Linux Mint XFCE 17
  • 1.3.0 (15/04/14):
    • +: Hide the cookie notice.
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 28.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (14.04lts)
  • 1.2.2 (10/04/14):
    • Fix: Dashboard width.
    • Fix: The profile header width fit with the timeline part now, with the newsfeed width modification setting.
    • -: Automatic option for the setting for newsfeed width modification (wasn't really working).
  • 1.2.1 (04/04/14):
    • Fix: The option "automatic" for the newsfeed width is a bit random for me, so new setting with a width defined in percentage.
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 28.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (13.10)
  • 1.2.0 (01/04/14):
    • New settings (extension now supporting auto updates with settings now)
      • Use page width
      • Background
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 28.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (13.10)
  • 1.1.1 (15/02/14):
    • New Tweeter design (02-2014) - Profile style (change the background url if you want another picture, because stylish don't auto-update with settings)
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 27.0.1) 64bit on Xubuntu (13.10)
  • 1.1.0 (03/02/14):
    • New top bar Tweeter, new Tweeter design (02-2014)
    • *: Tested with Firefox (currently 26.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (13.10)
  • 1.0.0 (10/06/13):
    • *: Initial release, tested with Firefox (currently 21.0) 64bit on Xubuntu (13.04)

Applies to:,, ^(http|https):\/\/(www\.)?twitter\.com\/(?!i\/cards).*

Related styles:

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