YouTube un-fucker v0.0.2g

Added by M3n747@userstyles, Created: Jul 07, 2012, Updated: Jun 02, 2015


Un-fucks YouTube

More info
Removes crap & clutter from YouTube, making it nice and clean.

I wrote this script for my personal use and I give it to you as-is. If you don't like something about it, feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

NOTE ON V0.0.2:
This version was written from scratch for the new YouTube layout (as of December 2012). It removes the main page header bar, which switches between 'All activity' and 'Uploads only' - if you want to have that bar, remove ".branded-page-v2-primary-col-header-container," from the stylesheet. Otherwise, install this script:, it will automatically redirect you to the 'Uploads only' page.

Applies to:

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