This style was deleted by its author, USBman@userstyles

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Google Reader - Multi-Column

Added by USBman@userstyles, Created: Jul 22, 2008, Updated: Jul 24, 2008
With the style applied


This style makes the postings in Google Reader display in multiple columns, as suggested by some of the comments on a Lifehacker article: friendly

It is a simple enough style, but there are some options to play around with. You can choose to 1) have a fixed column width or 2) simply have a preset number of columns. As written, this style chooses the latter, as it is simpler to make work on any given screen resolution (the former is simply commented out). Additionally, please note that some images don't display properly; I think it may have something to do with "vspace" and "hspace" html code (any help would be great!). Other than that, everything SEEMS to be fine. This is still a work in progress, so there "will" be further modifications to come; please feel free to make any suggestions.

I suggest you see one of my other styles, Google Reader - Post Tweaks , which addresses the issue in the above mentioned Lifehacker article, to use

Applies to:,

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