CARDS AGAINST MEGUKA - custom cardbacks

Added by dorura@userstyles, Created: Sep 19, 2012, Updated: Sep 20, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Topic card:
Site background:
Cards in your hand:
Submissions (bar):
Selected cards (should be same as cards in hand):


Allows use of custom cardbacks for moe fun.


Yeah, to use your OWN card images, take a peek at the options below.

Click "Provide my own" and link to your own image (just upload something to imgur or whatever).
This will generate a style using your images instead of mine.

Protip: Though if you are using the default font, the card dimensions will be 144 × 186.
Otherwise, if you are using your own font and conversely, font size (either through your browser or something else), you'll have to figure out the dimensions yourself. The image will start in the top left no matter what, so if you use a bigger image than the card size on your window, it'll harmlessly go off the right and bottom edge of the card.

Godspeed, /a/non.


More info
Removed strokes in favour of dropshadows, easier on eyes.
Realized that card dimensions aren't set (due to use of em as units)
Fixed some minor issues with multicarding and textcolors, formatting.

Fiddled with opacity on some cards, removed some strokes when locked cards.

First version.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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