This style was deleted by its author, Nathan Hammond@userstyles

Nathan Hammond@userstyles deleted this style because of "No longer functional."

Try Darker Facebook Redesigned instead of this deleted style.

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Facebook - Remove Ads, Adjust Content Width

Added by Nathan Hammond@userstyles, Created: Jul 31, 2008, Updated: Dec 11, 2009
No screenshot


UPDATE (2010-02-11): Facebook has nearly completed rollout of the new design for their site. Once things slow down on their end for things changing I will review and update this style accordingly.


This style for Facebook removes all ads and adjusts the page content to best fill the newly created space. By adjusting the content width this surpasses other ad removers and Adblock Plus which do not do the second step. This style both has been and will continue to be actively maintained.

Last Updated: 2009-12-11
There were two pages that to this point had escaped my notice: topic.php and edittopic.php. These two pages are used for Facebook's Discussion tabs. I've added a few tweaks to make those pages look better at larger sizes.

Update history may be viewed here:

Issues? Problems? I'll take care of them right away. Get in touch!

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Nathan Hammond@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Facebook - Remove Ads, Adjust Content Width, to the extent allowed by law.

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