Pretty Black YouTube with nice color contrasts

Added by ich01@userstyles, Created: Apr 05, 2013, Updated: Feb 18, 2017


This is a simple, standard-user-optimized dark YouTube style with red elements. It is ment to be small, fast and universal.

Thank you for trying out this style,
have a nice day!

If you have any feedback, just start a new thread, write a comment or contact me.Thanks.

More info
- Release 18.02.17
  - Fix for Livestream comments
- Release 19.01.17
  - Fix for floating channel overlays in videos
  - Fix for trending badge
- Release 1.5
  - Fix for YouTube Red offer
  - Fix for notification popup
- Release 1.4
  - Fix for Livestream comments
  - Fix for floating channel overlays in videos
- Release 1.3
  - Improved YouTube Studio-Design
  - Fixed white drop-down menus
  - Fixed fetch-comments-button appearance at hovering
- Release 1.2
  - Fixed white notification in watch-later list
  - Fixed white background in account settings
  - Fixed white teaser notification in HTML5 video player
- Release 1.1
  - Improved video title design
  - Fixed white stripes in new YouTube experimental player
  - Removed outdated code
  - Styled scrollbars
  - Fixed some white context menus
  - Fixed input boxes in video share menu
  - Fixed white background of uploaders nick in comments
  - Fixed white title in comment section
  - Fixed white comment box
- Release 1.0
  - First release

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