Final Fantasy Forums - Light Theme 2.1

Added by LukeLC@userstyles, Created: Oct 04, 2013, Updated: Apr 12, 2014


FFF Light modifies the new bTech Blue theme on the FFF to create a balance of readability with a wide variety of font colors and usability for those who find white text on black backgrounds hard on the eyes. Version 2.0 is even lighter and more usable than ever before and adds some much needed aesthetic appeal as well.

More info
-Several little bugfixes

-Total overhaul
-Animation on certain links and buttons
-Some minor pages are incomplete, but all *should* be usable.

-Some general touchup
-Updated Shoutbox
-Covered polls

-Covers all main pages of the FFF, including moderation tools
-Corrects image slider clipping and awkward element positioning
-Adds full header banner (even where bTech currently does not)
-Corrects minor positioning errors present within bTech itself
"New Posts" section and keyword searches generate glitched-out
Some "Community" pages are not yet fully modified; still usable.
Some miscellaneous elements are not yet properly aligned; usable.
Minor style changes do not apply on Chrome; only Firefox for now.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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