Harvest App Timesheet for Narrow-Width Windows

Added by Aaron W@userstyles, Created: Nov 01, 2013, Updated: Mar 26, 2014


Makes it so the timesheet is more usable for narrow-width windows. I like to keep my timesheet windows very narrow, so it can be more like a floating little widget I can keep in the corner of my screen. This one is usable (though not necessarily pretty) down to perhaps 150px or so.

NOTE: I have also gotten this working for older versions of Firefox, which don't support regex for matching rules. In that case, you need to manually update the matching rule to something that will match your instance of Harvest. I have gotten this to work with Midori's built-in "user styles" functionality as well.

More info
Updated again 2014-03-26 -- Again a tweak to the URL matching rule. Now it will match the regex ".*harvestapp.com/time.*" ... I realized that this matches all possible permutations of timesheet URLs better.

Updated 2013-11-04 -- I realized that the URL matching rule I had embedded would only match my particular instance of harvest. Now it should match anyone's harvest, provided their URL is in the format "username.harvestapp.com/time/day/*".

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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