Harvest Flexible Width

Added by beporter@userstyles, Created: Apr 30, 2014, Updated: Jul 31, 2015
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Modifies the styles on harvestapp.com subdomains to use the full width of the browser. Maintains the stock CSS as minimums. Also suppress the "timer" buttons.

More info
Release Notes:
  • 2015-07-31 - Suppress timer start buttons (I don't use them.) Timer stop buttons will continue to display, to allow you to stop a timer that might already be running (after entering a zero-minute "note" entry, for example.)
  • 2014-12-01 - Fixed floating date bar in weekly view. (Doesn't fix exactly right at all window widths due to percentage sizing.)
  • 2014-11-26 - Minor corrections to detailed report form, whitespace fixes in CSS for consistency.
  • 2014-07-21 - Corrected width issue with floating header on weekly timesheet view.
  • 2014-04-30 - Initial release.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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