Facebook old simple chat

Added by Frax@userstyles, Created: Nov 21, 2013, Updated: Nov 29, 2013
With the style applied
Choose your avatar (to be shown beside your posts):
Show posting time in (see description in "notes" section):


If you don't like newest fb chat with bubbles, this style is for you - it reverts old style with more place for text.
Important note: apparently this style is outdated, but an update is going to be here in a short time.

More info
Important note: apparently this style is outdated, but an update is going to be here in a short time.

If you want your own avatar to be shown beside your posts, you have to provide it manually, by setting "Choose your avatar" accordingly. Unfortunately it cannot be find automatically.

Update 27-11-2013:

"Show posting time" setting:

In new chat posting time is show differently than in old one - in tooltip instead of post's top-right corner.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to get exactly old behaviour with pure CSS. Therefore i defined setting, with which you can choose your favourite behaviour (if you pick one, and then want to change it, go back to this page and use option "Update with Stylish"). Possible options:
  • "Tooltip": time shown in a tooltip, while hovering mouse over person's photo (new chat behaviour)
  • "Post's top-right corner (photo hover)": time shown in post's top-right corner, while hovering mouse over photo (mixed new/old behaviour)
  • "Post's top-right corner (post hover)": time shown in post's top-right corner, while hovering mouse over post (like old behaviour). WARNING: with that setting whole post is link to person's page, which makes selecting post's text impossible
With any of these options, time of your posts is shown in hint while hovering over them (impossible to be changed with CSS).

Update 29-11-2013:

Fix: ellipsis indicating that someone writes to you don't show inside a bubble any more.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Frax@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Facebook old simple chat, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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