Clipmarks - Transparent Navigation Menus

Added by dotter@userstyles, Created: Nov 11, 2008, Updated: Nov 25, 2008
With the style applied


This style makes all ClipMarks menus transparent... wow!

This style improves page visibility, allowing you to see all the web content behind the transparency.

* Thanks to b0at@userstyles for the Google Autohide Dots: Search and Account Options, upon which I got the idea for this style!

+ These Menus (My Clips, My Username, ClipList Filter, Clip Tools, Sort Clips, Search, Sort Comments, Sort Calendar, Sort Collections, Sort Tags, Hovering over a username bubble popup, and any dialog content pages), will be transparent.
+ Menus will become more opaque when they are hovered over with the mouse cursor
+ You will be able to see images and text behind the header menu (see thru) until hovered over

Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3

Integrates with the following Styles:
Flickr - Transparent Navigation Menus (WOW!)
Delicious - Transparent Navigation Menus - Transparent Navigation Menus nav menus are also known as dv div menu clipper lists, and consist of DIV code segments
Edit the Transparency (-moz-opacity) to your liking. Remember, the closer to 0 you get, th

Applies to:

Related styles:

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