Modern ART

Added by HellShe@userstyles, Created: Apr 18, 2014, Updated: Mar 07, 2015


A modern, flat and more colorful style for Deviantart.

More info
2.1.6 - March 8. 2015

Many small improvements, including:
+ Subcategories have an offset again.
+ fixed some weird stuff that happened with the header
+ more buttons styled
+ more adjustments for group pages (Gallery headers)
+ subtle improvements of the overall look

How do you like this update? - Do you miss something? Feel free to tell me here or on!

Previous Updates:

2.1.2 - Dec 21. 2014
+ bugfixes and improvements

2.1 - Dec 6. 2014
+ Adaptions to new DA layout
+ small design optimizations

2.0.3 - Sept 9. 2014
+ bugfixes and new colors

2.0 - Oct 26. 2014
+ Completely rewritten code.
+ Works with the new Deviantart layout.

1.4 - August 20. 2014
+ lots of small changes and improvements of the design
+ new design for the pagination
+ better styled notes page
+ fixed the invisible reply buttons for comments on the profile page

1.3 - July 23. 2014
+ more different colors for buttons
+ changed the background-color of some elements to improve readability
+ different color of the tabs-bar on profile pages
+ improved look of textfields
+ it's now clearer visible if a button is disabled or not

1.2 - 11.6.2014
+ changes to deviantwatch: new shadows, new look for "digital content" and
"critique requests"
+ minor changes to the look of muro and writer
+ fixed options buttons on deviations in gallery were invisible
+ removed the wrong background color from the journal comments counter and the bio text
+ fixed something else too, but forgot what .-.

1.1 - 1.5.2014
+ minor design optimizations
+ corrected height of the "give" button on the "give llama" dialog
+ the corners of comments don't get cut off anymore

1.0 - 18.4.2014
- release -

Applies to:

Related styles:

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