Citrine Youtube CSS3

Added by JrBearCub@userstyles, Created: Apr 22, 2014, Updated: May 10, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Youtube in Yellow. This style benefits from CSS3 transitions. Coded with Firefox 29. Not Chrome compatible.

More info
While the name says Citrine, editing the CSS directly, there is an indicator to change up the back color as you may well please. I've styled most main pages. Looking to dig deeper into more user specific pages, i.e. settings and stuff. And also trying to break the iframe of the comments section soon. Enjoy as is right now. Updates sure to come.

2014.05.10 - More with the comment section

2014.05.06 - Google mucks with the comment section again

2014.05.03 - Video Manager Headings, Reclaimed thumbnail previews in Video Editor Storyboard

2014.05.01 - Fixed invisible radio buttons and check boxes, some other quirks I can't remember

2014.04.22 - First Installation w/improvements from Black Diamond update, which are:
Excluded HTML5 objects for global canvas clearing, Accessed and styled comment thread, User settings pages cleaned up, YT Video Editor now has tangible form

Applies to:, https?://apis\.google\.com/.*/widget/render/comments\?.*\&first_party_property=YOUTUBE.*, https://plus\.google\.com/.*/widget/render/comments\?.*

Related styles:

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