Trello: custom board color

Added by Samuel Dellicour@userstyles, Created: Aug 31, 2015, Updated: Aug 31, 2015
Board background color


Set your own custom background color for the board. Choose your color BEFORE installing the user style. See the screenshots for examples.

More info
Before installing, click on the color value (unless you want to keep the default green color) - a color picker will pop up. Choose your color, then install. Note: I suggest you don't pick a very bright color, as the white text from the header would then become unreadable.

If after installing the color doesn't suit you, uninstall, come back to this page and reinstall with a different color (or change the color manually, by editing the css color code in the user style).

This user style will not update automatically, so your customization will be preserved on your computer.

This user style will ONLY change the board background color (the whole page actually). If you want a similar custom color theme, but with a black top bar and additional styles, check out my

Applies to:

Related styles:

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