Trello theme: custom board color with black bar

Added by Samuel Dellicour@userstyles, Created: Dec 19, 2012, Updated: Aug 31, 2015
Board background color
List title color


Trello theme with YOUR custom colors for the board background and the list titles. Choose the colors below, before installing (a color picker will pop up). Comes with a black top bar and other styles.

More info
This is a Trello theme where you can choose your own colors for the board background color and of the list title color, using a color picker BEFORE installing it. See screenshots for examples.

It may be best to choose a background color that is not too bright, otherwise the white text (board name and icons) will be unreadable.

Based on, so contains additional styles (black top bar, uppercase list headers, lighter color for lists etc).

If you ONLY want to change the board (page) background color to a custom color, without additional styles, try out my other style

This theme, like all user styles with custom colors, will not automatically update.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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