DarkNote - Google Keep

Added by ihti27@userstyles, Created: Oct 24, 2016, Updated: Jan 13, 2017
With the style applied
Reposition "offline" notification


A simple dark style for Google Keep. Includes support for the https://goo.gl/kYnUQE and https://goo.gl/Cszd8e extensions. Feel free to use any of my code as long as you give credit.

Special thanks to Nass O@userstyles for inspiration from http://freestyler.ws/style/126414/darktube and http://freestyler.ws/style/128147/darksearch-for-google (I recommend downloading them.)

More info
Release notes:
Coming soon - a bunch of custom color options. Stay tuned.
v3.2 - Big update. Lots of optimization and new features.
v3.0 - More optimization and compatibility. Fixed the "non-bindable" elements that can't be styled normally.
v2.7 - Fixed a few bugs. Updated code sections that broke somehow.
v2.5 - Extension support is by default since it doesn't affect people who don't use the extensions. Blocked the annoying reminder to turn on browser notifications. Repositioned the "offline" notification.
v2.0 - Added support for Firefox and Opera (hopefully, I haven't tested it.)
v1.5 - Generic fixes and improvements
v1.0 - Initial release. All basic functions working but it's not perfect

Feel free to leave any bugs, comments, or suggestions in the discussions. Feedback is the key to improvement.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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