DarkEdit - Style Editor

Added by ihti27@userstyles, Created: Nov 15, 2016, Updated: Feb 06, 2017
Stylish Version
Style Library (disable if you opted out)
Transitions + Inconsolata font


A dark style for the style editor in Chrome. The screenshot says it all. Includes the style editor, style manager, and extension widget. Works with all Stylish versions and https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne.

More info
v3.6.1 - Hotfix for transitions. Scrolling was buggy and text flickered. To stop the text flickering, a new font was added for the code editor.
v3.6 - The one thing all web developers have to love: CSS transitions. Also reorganized code to make a little more sense.
v3.5.1 - Support for https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne, a new fork of Stylish. It's basically Stylish v1.5.2 + style backup features.
v3.5 - Support for v1.7.0 and for opting out of data mining. (see discussion below) Added an option to disable thumbnails.
v3.4 - Replaced icon urls with base64 (so they appear when offline, and don't rely on random servers.) Added improvements for small windows (when the sidebar moves to the top)
v3.3 - A couple small fixes and compatibility with Stylish version 1.6.3.
v3.2 - Compatibility with Stylish versions 1.6.1 & 1.6.2. An option is provided for those who are using the old version.
v3.1 - Patched a couple possible compatibility issues.
v3.0 - Full version - New font, new icons, and tweaked positions of some elements. Also styled the help windows.
v2.0 - All pages (code editor, manage styles, and popup/widget) restyled.
v1.0 - A more complete version but still lacking
v0.5 - Initial release - everything working but some elements unfinished

Applies to:
chrome-extension://fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe/(edit|manage|popup).html.*, chrome-extension://clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne/(edit|manage|popup).html.*

Related styles:

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