Schoology: Reloaded [LT]

Added by ihti27@userstyles, Created: Nov 30, 2016, Updated: Mar 09, 2017
With the style applied
Using LT Schoology?
Using Userscript?
Header Logo [460x100]:
Portal [LT only]
Header, Buttons, Tabs
Dropdowns, Lists, Menus
Primary Links
Secondary Links
Hover (all links)


The official Schoology: Reloaded theme for LTHS. Makes it much easier on the eyes.

More info
For student Schoology only. I'm not a teacher nor an admin.
If you're not here from LTHS, this style will likely be incomplete.

v2.2 - support for userscript to be released soon
v2.1 - images redone: swapped with base64 or imgur + custom images
v2.0 - complete overhaul: transitions, transparency, custom colors, optimization etc.
v1.3 - first complete version

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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