IMDb hide cast

Added by Webb@userstyles, Created: Jan 30, 2010, Updated: Nov 16, 2010
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


I put this together in a couple of minutes after my greasemonkey script stopped working. It hides the cast listing, which can take up a lot of space.

The best way to use this is to install it, then turn it off. When you come to a page where you don't want to see the cast listing, turn it on. Otherwise the cast listing may not load and you will have to reload the page to see it.

16 November 2010 - I rewrote this after the recent site redesign. It doesn't work nearly as well as the old one.

Let me know if you encounter any problems because I haven't tested it extensively.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Webb@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to IMDb hide cast, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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