- Limit story width

Added by Pandu E Poluan@userstyles, Created: Oct 22, 2010, Updated: Dec 05, 2010
With the style applied
Story width


On my wide-screen monitors, stories look *very* horrible. It's so wide I need to keep glancing left and right to read a paragraph. Not to mention that for a paragraph that does not wrap around, when I need to do a 'carriage return' to read the next paragraph, because of the story's width my eyes would 'miss' the actual start of the next paragraph.

That sucks.

So, I whup this up to limit the story's width. I've provided common alternatives, i.e., 320, 400, 600, and 800 pixels. If you need other width, just choose 320 pixels and then replace the resulting 320px with something to your liking.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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