Google Fresh Clean Login Screens

Added by Adriano Monecchi@userstyles, Created: May 26, 2012, Updated: Feb 16, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Google Accounts Fresh Clean Login Screens gives you new Login Screens for almost all Google's web apps!
(Google +, Google Play, Drive, Docs, Gmail, Youtube, Maps, Latitude, Reader, Agenda, Groups, News, Photos [Picasa], Wallet [Checkout], Offers, Shopping, Sites, Finance, Developer, Code, Orkut, Blogger, ) and More.

With a single installation you'll enjoy a new look for all your Google services (web apps). No more annoying taglines and cluttered stuff, just a beautiful login screen for each service you use.

Check the full screenshots on my blog for more details.

More info
Last update: Feb 15, 2014
Version: 1.2 (Stable Release)


As for now, Google has changed the way users login to its services by serving them a cleaner Universal Login Screen, and although Google made it a lot better, I believe it still has a lot room for improvements, so I decided to make it even cleaner and work with base colors from the flat ui palette.
I've just come with this solution to give your Google services Login Screens an amazing fresh clean look. I hope you like it!


- Custom Login Screen for Google services such as Google +, Google Play, Drive, Docs, Gmail, Youtube, Maps, Latitude, Reader, Agenda, Groups, News, Photos [Picasa], Wallet [Checkout], Offers, Shopping, Sites, Finance, Developer, Code, Orkut, Blogger and more.

- Custom backgrounds, icons and optimizations for different services (Check yourself some of the services you use or services suggested by Google in the top bar navigation at - to see the login screens you must be of course logged out
- Gmail Ads removal / No ads distraction or links for other Google products after you login on your Gmail's inbox

It was fully customized to let you know where you are about to login, as I've kept the name and icon for each Google service, all other stuff was wiped out to enhance the fresh look. Information such as service description and promo info was removed, then assuming you already know almost everything about Google services, it will not be a problem for you to recognize the service you're loggin in.

Applies to:,,, More »

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