Custom WebPage Button Focus Color (Add-on Fix)

Added by dotter@userstyles, Created: Jul 01, 2008, Updated: Dec 15, 2008
With the style applied


Allows you to Customize the focus-color of web buttons. When you have a button focused, it is very hard to see where your focus is. This style fixes the problem with focus by changing the button's background and foreground colors to stand out to the user.

Increases screen navigation and readability. This style customizes the button color based on its function (if focused, it will turn green...)
Once again, this style supports both Firefox2 and Firefox3. Fully Customizable colors - simply edit the HEX codes.
Fixes bug with Highlight Focus and Configuration Mania Addons, where they would not change the buttons back to black text when not focused (This was only a problem in Firefox 3).

Functions / Features:
+ Non-Focused Buttons are Black Text / Button Background (based on theme)
+ Focused Buttons are Lime-Green text / Black Background

Applies to:
+ Any single button on a web page (example: Google Search button)

Browser Versions:
- Works on Firefox 3
- Works on F

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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