8tracks Theme - Blue Orchids and Lavender

Added by peachy-peachy@userstyles, Created: Mar 06, 2015, Updated: Nov 26, 2015
With the style applied


A soft theme for 8tracks, for more details, please see additional info.

More info

08.06 - 15:56 pm - rewrote the code
03.20 - 01:45 am - update
03.12 - 03:23 am - update
03.09 - 07:54 am - update
03.07 - 16:54 pm - update
03.07 - (circa) 04:00am - released

Important Note:
8tracks is now with a new UI, personally, I didn't liked, but since I couldn't go back, I had to rewrote the code. Fortunaly it was short and sweet, still there is minor tweaks to be done, but it is functional.

If you manage to go back or found a script to do such thing here is the old code --> http://pastebin.com/NU6KjPBu

I'm not going to change the rest of description because besides of everything looking bigger, and mix cover looking blurry, 8tracks basically made the same things I did (e.g. round user pictures, etc...).

1-Fixed minor visual bugs, all pages are correct now, pop-ups are in the correct color too.
2-Visibility of white items fixed, create playlist page also updated, feed is also with rounded users pictures and correct colors.
3-Fixed player progress bar, and spacing problems.
4-Fixed minor visual bugs I hadn't see before, also the play button over the mix cover and mix title have a slight darker lilac shadow, improving visibility against also white or bright mix covers.


*Gradient background;
*Different colors in the footer and header;
*Words, details and icons have transparent background;(Where used to be a dark grey box)
*User pictures are circles, mix thumbs and covers still as squares.
*Change fonts to:
-Avant Garde
-Century Gothic
-sans-serif (fallback)

Additional Features:

*Ads removed.
*More space added between user's mix, similar playlists and related collections, making look less cluttered.

Known issues:
->Technically not a problem, but still. Grey buttons and such are images, will update soon.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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