GoGoAnime.com - Project: ABE

Added by Kurim@userstyles, Created: Mar 23, 2015, Updated: Apr 02, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • GoGoAnime - Series
  • GoGoAnime - VideoPage


Update: I will also look at the .tv domain

Status: Alpher+ (it can haz design-bugs D:)
Notice: If you experience frozen videos when you click play (due to an ad-handshake) then install the https://www.google.com/#q=ghostery addon.

Q: Ok so why should I install this?
A: Because it makes the site much more enjoyable as it;
+ Removes* all visible ads and reduces bloats
+ Moar to come

Q: Ok so what's "P:ABE" / "Project: ABE" anyways ?
A: Project: 'A Better Experience' aims at improving the user-experience by for instance hiding unwanted elements.
*See: Kurim@userstyles and/or the style-changelog for more information

Q: I'm using Chrome & pages keep flickering, why?
A: You need to update the Stylish extension!

More info
todo: design updates and video-adbox patches needed

changelog v1.5.0324:
* anti-promo: video-page 'good meme' .. good riddance.
* patch: fixed the broken text for the category page

changelog v1.5.0323:
* anti-ads: 5+ on-page ads/ad-containers removed
* anti-ads: 2+ browser sticky-ads removed
* anti-ads: 8+ video-mirror click-bait ads removed
* patch: fixed the width to use the freed up ad-space
* anti-promo: googleplay android app banner removed

Applies to:
http://www.gogoanime.com/, gogoanime.com, https?://www\.gogoanime\.com/[\-0-9A-Za-z]+, playpanda.net... More »

Related styles:

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