reddit Refined - colour, layout and readability

Added by ajrw@userstyles, Created: Apr 09, 2009, Updated: Sep 21, 2009
With the style applied


This style uses a serifed font for link titles, adds boxes around link entries, and properly highlights viewed links. It also hides the top subreddit bar and moves the 'my reddits' dropdown to the right. There are many little adjustments for a more consistent layout, including some fixes for the alignment of nested comments.

If you select the 'compressed' link display (in reddit preferences) then the domain and subreddit links will be displayed adjacent to the link description in submitted links, otherwise the domain is moved down and aligned to the right of the box.

This style includes some of the adjustments in reddit Wide Style by DavidONE@userstyles. It does not expand past 1350px width and is usable on very wide screens.

2009/06/19 - Updated to support new markup for 'self' post contents and related changes.
2009/09/17 - Latest fixes for markup changes (screenshot is a bit out of date now).

Applies to:

Related styles:

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