Hide Facebook News Feed Timeline Posts

Added by SingularityUtopia@userstyles, Created: Apr 29, 2016, Updated: Apr 29, 2016
With the style applied


Facebook is utterly shit. Face it. Let's call it Shitbook. Sadly some people insist upon using Shitbook, which means we must log-in to the SHIT to message them.

This user-style will HIDE ALL of the posts in the Facebook (Shitbook) news feed. The collective timeline (best of and most recent posts regarding friends or people you follow) is hidden. This allows you to use the chat/message function without being distracted by all the shit people post to the news-feed timeline.

Instead of posts in the news feed you just see a blank space. Lovely! Fuck off Mark Zuckerberg, I hate you!

I have no idea if people will like or use this style, but here is it nevertheless.

Crippled Shitbook functionality, via this style, will remind you to either not log-in or log-out sooner rather than later.

More info
I despise Mark Zuckerberg. People should use G+ instead.

I may add the ability to hide all profile and group posts too, including trending and promos via .fbTimelineCapsule, .userContentWrapper, #recent_capsule_container, #contentArea, #rightCol so let me know if you want that.

https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=2045singularity if you desire, or start a discussion.

Applies to:
http://www.facebook., https://www.facebook., http://facebook., https://facebook.

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