Reddit: No bias

Added by PhoneticLight@userstyles, Created: Jul 10, 2007, Updated: Jul 12, 2007
With the style applied


This is based on Reddit stripped to almost nothing by jared@userstyles. However, it simply has been downgraded to the point where it simply removes bias elements of reddit for your viewing pleasure. This simply means that all irrelevant data (such as username, points, age, etc.) are removed and all you are left with are anonymous comments, data, and mod arrows. This helps those who are self-conscious about what others think of a story or what have you and allows you to vote "freely." Also indirectly helps remove clutter.

Two known bugs:
- Comments that are hidden due to user prefs are invisible (as in, you can't click to see them or anything). to remedy this, simply allow all comments in your user prefs.
- It seems the tabs are a little goofed up for some reason. Most visible on comments page where it says "comments related details share".

Applies to:

Related styles:

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