refined reddit

Added by ryanashcraft@userstyles, Created: Oct 03, 2010, Updated: Apr 17, 2011
With the style applied


Refines reddit's layout with:
- superior fonts (Helvetica Neue)
- larger fonts and increased line-heights
- appropriate usage of bold font styles
- cleaner, brighter colors
- more separation between content
- improved consistency
- other digg-inspired improvements

A lot of CSS3 here, folks. You're gonna need a modern browser (Safari or Chrome).

More info

Ryan Ashcraft (@ryanashcraft)

10/04/2010 - initial release

01/30/2011 - added @-moz-document domain, @namespace, and meta information

01/31/2011 - more tweaks

02/01/2011 - more tweaks

02/15/2011 - links in link descriptions are colored blue

03/08/2011 - reset CSS on hovering warnings (e.g. "Please, no DAE posts. There is a subreddit for that.") and other tweaks

Applies to:

Related styles:

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