Karma-Free Reddit

Added by Parasprite@userstyles, Created: Aug 05, 2012, Updated: Aug 06, 2012
With the style applied


Karma-Free Reddit is a way to hide karma (it removes upvotes, downvotes, and totals throughout the site)

Disclaimer: This is somewhere between a proof-of-concept and an experiment of design. I deeply, deeply care about karma.

More info

0.1 - Initial release [8-6-12]

What this will not do:This may not work on all subreddits, although it will probably work on most of them.This will not prevent ten-minute posting limit for accounts with less than 10 comment karma.This obviously will not stop people from talking about karma.
Known issues and workarounds:I have only tested this in Google Chrome (using Stylish) so it may not hide everything in other browsers. If you have problems please send me a message and I'll look into it. My reddit account is the same as here (i.e. /u/Parasprite)The font sizes may be a little bit off around things are hidden (particularly in Opera which handles CSS a bit different then I'm used to) because of the variable configurations that your computer can have (OS/Browser/fonts installed/etc).This will not automatically show low-scoring comments, however you can change this on via the reddit preferences (account required) - Change [don't show me comments with a score less than] from -4 (default) to nothing (i.e. delete it) and hit save.

Applies to:
reddit.com, www.reddit.com

Related styles:

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