Google - Project: ABE

Added by Kurim@userstyles, Created: Feb 14, 2016, Updated: Nov 21, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Google Searh-Results Page


Status: Alpher

Submit bugreports as: No rating (just a question/comment)

Q: Ok so what is "P:ABE" / "Project: ABE" anyways ?
A: 'Project: A Better Experience' aims at improving the user-experience by for instance hiding unwanted elements (and to run on all Stylish-supported browsers)!
*See: Kurim@userstyles (or changelog) for more information.

Style Installation & Confirmation Agreement:
By installing and using this userstyle on Google services you understand and accept that Google and/or Google registered Third Parties will still collect and analyze your search behavior and that this userstyle simply removes the notices of said actions.

More info
changelog v1.61121:
* tweak/fx: changed url-matching method
* anti-nag: removed the user-agreement contract mask/popup

changelog v1.60611:
* anti-nag: removed the "make google your frontpage" popup box

previous changes:
* anti-nag: removed 'install chrome' nagbox
* anti-jnk: removed secondary 'related searches' junk box
* anti-ads: removed top and bottom adboxes (2)
* anti-jnk: removed 'similar searches' junkbox
* anti-nag: removed front-page & search-result page google policy/security reminder

Applies to:

Related styles:

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